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Order Statistic AVL Tree JavaScript Library

Getting Started with Neo4J Cypher Query Language

EPIC KQL Crash Course!

Parsing CSV Format in JavaScript per RFC 4180, No Frameworks, No Libraries

Solving Replit’s Operational Transforms Question in JavaScript

Recent Projects


This is a hierarchical filesystem emulation Javascript library that uses IndexedDB in web browsers. It has a simple, minimalistic set of essential features to empower your application. In addition to file and folder CRUD operations, it supports multiple named filesystems within your same origin, with the ability to import and export backup copies of individual filesystems as JSON!

Docs Github.


Simple, opinionated and secure markdown to html element parser based on marked library’s markdown lexer.

I take the output tokens from the marked library and parse them into HTML Elements without using innerHTML. Pronounced like “I’m so smarked 😏.”

Docs. Github.


This is a markdown-enabled terminal or REPL based on a terminal UI that I made with html, css, and javascript with xstate framework. The markdown-to-html parsing is performed by my smarked library. I plan to use the terminal with other projects so there are intentionally unused parts of the UI like the history buttons.

Demo. Github.

Fuzzy Searchable & Sortable Button List with Cyberpunk Aesthetic⚡

A UI Automaton for displaying list of buttons:

Not: * virtually pageable (so just don’t ask it to display way too many buttons)


This is a starter/template project which originated on Replit. It is for Node.js project with a few features:

🚀 an http server with an endpoint for targeting with an uptime service such as uptime robot — or another server like this of your own!

🚀 job/process monitor built into uptime endpoint that will start any configured jobs or processes which quit running. It is as fault-tolerant as your uptime signal, and will keep the correct number of jobs running!

🚀 pre-configured CPU usage sampling and logging job

🚀 uses opentelemetry to log to honeycomb


Uh, Maze Me

A 2D vaporwave dungeon/maze generator made in JavaScript in the style of Bob Nystrom. Various query parameters available to control rendering, plus demos. Bonus is it renders text characters in the DOM so you can copy/paste the dungeons you make for processing elsewhere.

College Era Projects


Orthographic maze image generator program written in C++. Make huge mazes including weave mazes with a cornucopia of parameters.



Simple Python package allowing you to generate valid SQLite Data Definition Language (DDL) from DataBase Markup Language .dbml files for your Python programs.



lessqlite is a free command-line utility written in Python providing a pager-based interface (like Unix less) for exploring, browsing, and scrolling through SQLite databases in your terminal.

The program is powered by generator functions so that even SQLite databases of very large sizes can be paged through easily.



The first Content Management System (CMS) I ever made back in college using Laravel PHP with many features. Unmaintained. But original description as follows for posterity: