Order Statistic AVL Tree JavaScript Library | Docs


This is an AVL, self-balancing binary search tree data structure in JavaScript!

It supports:

Previously, I published several experiments with AVL tree style of data structure in JS and WASM. This project remedies several issues with those data structures and also improves things in various ways, so this is the one you should use!

If you do find any issues despite the testing I’ve done, do not hesitate to open an issue on GitHub.


See the tests in the repo for more examples of how the functions described in this document work.

You can create a new, empty instance of the AVL class like this:

const myAVLTree = new AVL()

It is also possible to “bulk load” the data structure via the constructor if a sorted array is provided as an argument:

const myAVLTree = new AVL([

For quick debugging, you can build an ASCII representation of your tree by calling the toString() method on an AVL instance:


You can provide an upper bound for the number of tree levels to print; see the section below on Modes of Iteration.

Retrieve the number of nodes or keys stored in the tree by accessing the size property of the tree instance:


Retrieve the root node of the tree by accessing the root property of the tree instance:


Retrieve the tree’s minimum or maximum values via the min and max properties respectively. Those properties are simply wrappers around the instance methods getMinOfSubtree and getMaxOfSubtree discussed below.


Nodes are arrays, where the first five indices are:

Instance Methods

A test of key membership which returns the matching node if found, otherwise null.



Insert a key and optionally a value into the tree. If non-null value argument provided, it is inserted at index 5 in the node array. Returns a reference to the inserted node.



Return the node from the tree with the smallest key value.



Return the node from the tree with the largest key value.



Remove a node from the tree which has the provided key value.



Provided a search term (number), search for and return the node with the smallest key value greater than or equal to that search term, otherwise null.


Provided a search term (number), search for and return the node with the largest key value less than or equal to that search term, otherwise null.


Provided a search term (number), search for and return the node with the smallest key value greater than that search term, otherwise null.


Provided a search term (number), search for and return the node with the largest key value less than that search term, otherwise null.


An order statistic search function. Given a node X to start searching at (default is root node) and a positive integer I (default is 1), find and return the node with the Ith smallest key value.


An order statistic query function which returns the index or rank of a provided key in an inorder traversal of the tree.

Modes of Iteration

The AVL class comes with a variety of static methods suitable for tree traversal. The general workflow to configure an AVL instance’s iteration behavior before iterating:

  1. Assign to the instance’s [Symbol.iterator] property the static method corresponding to the iteration or tree traversal desired.
  2. If needed, assign a numerical lower bound to the instance property ITER_LB.
  3. If needed, assign a numerical upper bound to the instance property ITER_UB.

After that, you’re ready to use the tree instance anywhere you’d use an iterable in JS (spread operator, for...of loops, etc).

One warning. The toString method is just a wrapper around the level order traversal iterator (discussed more below). So, after using the toString function, the subsequent iteration behavior could surprise you. It’s best practice to explicitly set the iteration properties before every iteration unless you’re very sure you’ve kept track of how your AVL tree’s iteration properties are configured.


A generator function yielding nodes from the tree according to a bounded, inorder traversal of the nodes according to their key values. The lower bound and upper bound are both inclusive.

const T = new AVL([
  2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 42, 64
T[Symbol.iterator] = AVL.ITER_FWD_GE_TO_LE
T.ITER_LB = 32
T.ITER_UB = 63
// 32, 42


A generator function yielding nodes from the tree according to a bounded, inorder traversal of the nodes according to their key values. The lower bound is inclusive, but the upper bound is exclusive.

const T = new AVL([
  2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 42, 64
T[Symbol.iterator] = AVL.ITER_FWD_GE_TO_LT
T.ITER_LB = 32
T.ITER_UB = 64
// 32, 42


A generator function yielding nodes from the tree according to a bounded, inorder traversal of the nodes according to their key values. The lower bound is exclusive, but the upper bound is inclusive.

const T = new AVL([
  2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 42, 64
T[Symbol.iterator] = AVL.ITER_FWD_GT_TO_LE
T.ITER_LB = 32
T.ITER_UB = 64
// 42, 64


A generator function yielding nodes from the tree according to a bounded, inorder traversal of the nodes according to their key values. The lower bound is exclusive, but the upper bound is exclusive.

const T = new AVL([
  2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 42, 64
T[Symbol.iterator] = AVL.ITER_FWD_GT_TO_LT
T.ITER_LB = 16
T.ITER_UB = 64
// 32 42


A generator function yielding nodes from the tree according to a bounded, reverse inorder traversal of the nodes according to their key values. The lower bound and upper bound are both inclusive.

const T = new AVL([
  2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 42, 64
T[Symbol.iterator] = AVL.ITER_REV_LE_TO_GE
T.ITER_LB = 32
T.ITER_UB = 63
// 42, 32


A generator function yielding nodes from the tree according to a bounded, reverse inorder traversal of the nodes according to their key values. The lower bound is exclusive, but the upper bound is inclusive.

const T = new AVL([
  2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 42, 64
T[Symbol.iterator] = AVL.ITER_REV_LE_TO_GT
T.ITER_LB = 32
T.ITER_UB = 64
// 64, 42


A generator function yielding nodes from the tree according to a bounded, reverse inorder traversal of the nodes according to their key values. The lower bound is inclusive, but the upper bound is exclusive.

const T = new AVL([
  2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 42, 64
T[Symbol.iterator] = AVL.ITER_REV_LT_TO_GE
T.ITER_LB = 32
T.ITER_UB = 64
// 42, 32


A generator function yielding nodes from the tree according to a bounded, reverse inorder traversal of the nodes according to their key values. The lower bound and upper bound are both exclusive.

const T = new AVL([
  2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 42, 64
T[Symbol.iterator] = AVL.ITER_REV_LT_TO_GT
T.ITER_LB = 16
T.ITER_UB = 64
// 42, 32


A generator function that yields arrays of nodes, where each array corresponds to one level in the tree, starting from the root. Obeys the value of ITER_UB property and will stop yielding levels once it reaches that limit. This function is used by the toString function, so reset the value of [Symbol.iterator] after using that function if needed.


A generator function yielding nodes from the tree according to a preorder traversal of the nodes according to their key values. The lower bound and upper bound are both ignored.


A generator function yielding nodes from the tree according to a postorder traversal of the nodes according to their key values. The lower bound and upper bound are both ignored.


A generator function yielding nodes from the tree according to a reverse preorder traversal of the nodes according to their key values. The lower bound and upper bound are both ignored.


A generator function yielding nodes from the tree according to a reverse postorder traversal of the nodes according to their key values. The lower bound and upper bound are both ignored.

Set Operations

All three of these are static methods on the AVL class.

If you are storing values in your nodes, all three of these methods will not preserve those values in the new trees produced by these methods, so you’ll need a different mechanism for mapping values to new tree instances.


Given two AVL tree instances, a and b, generate a new AVL tree instance containing the all keys from either a or b, deduplicated.


Given two AVL tree instances, a and b, generate a new AVL tree instance containing each key which is in both a and b, deduplicated.


Given two AVL tree instances, a and b, generate a new AVL tree instance containing the all keys which are in a but not in b.