VZFS | Docs


This is a hierarchical filesystem emulation javascript library that uses IndexedDB in web browsers. It has a simple, minimalistic set of essential features to empower your application. In addition to file and folder CRUD operations, it supports multiple named filesystems within your same origin, with the ability to import and export backup copies of individual filesystems as JSON!

Currently built with XState, I prefer to think of it as a subsystem suitable for use as a subordinate actor within a larger system.

It persists a tree structure, the hierarchy of files and folders, into a single IndexedDB table which holds polymorphic records with references to one another.

Several strategies are used to improve performance:

At a cost of some extra time and space, care is taken to ensure the integrity of the tree stored in IndexedDB table:

There are two levels to this library. The higher level is an interpreted state machine, and the lower level is just a library of promise returning functions. The locking is enforced at the higher level by tools from the lower level.

Future Goals


You should limit yourself to the storageHierarchy machine unless you really know what you’re doing. Spawn the machine as a child within another XState machine.

An example test machine that consumes this storageHierarchy is provided on this page. It’s not a fanastic state machine, but it gives a verbose list of usage examples. The lengthy source code of the machine is listed at top of page, and the output produced by it is listed after.

It’s out of the scope of this documentation to teach the XState framework from first principles unfortunately, so there will be some assumptions about your ability to understand the framework.

Spawning the Filesystem Actor

// within an XState assign action after importing the machine
  () => ({
    fs: spawn(
      "fsActor" // or name it something else

After Spawning but Before Initializing

The actor supports several operations after you spawn it and before instantiating or “mounting” a specific filesystem.

List Filesystems

You should note that the underlying IndexedDB method which listFilesystems relies on is not implemented in some browsers, so your mileage with this command may vary. If it’s essential you be able to maintain a dynamic list of of multiple filesystems in your origin, then consider creating an “admin” filesystem (being careful to give it a unique name) which maintains a record of the other filesystems your application uses.

{ // in some state
  entry: [
        type: "listFilesystems",
  on: {
    listFilesystemsSuccess: {
      actions: log(
        (_, evt) => JSON.stringify(
    listFilesystemsFailure: {
      actions: log(
        "Failed to enumerate filesystems"

Drop or Delete a Specific Filesystem

{ // in some state
  entry: [
        type: "dropFilesystem",
        fsName: "user_fs_42"
  on: {
    dropFilesystemSuccess: {
      actions: log(
        "Deleted filesystem successfully."
    dropFilesystemFailure: {
      actions: log(
        "Failed to delete filesystem."

Restore a Filesystem from JSON

The intention of this feature is to create a new filesystem with a new, unused name and seed it with records which were exported via this library’s export as JSON feature (more on that later). Basically it is the option to restore a filesystem from a backup taken earlier.

{ // in some state
  entry: [
      ctx => ({
        type: "restoreFilesystemFromJSON",
        fsName: "restoredFs",
        version: 1,
        backup: ctx.backupJSON
  on: {
    restoreFilesystemFromJSONSuccess: {
      actions: log(
        "Restored filesystem successfully."
    restoreFilesystemFromJSONFailure: {
      actions: log(
        "Failed to restore filesystem."


The init event is sent to the filesystem actor along with the version and name of the filesystem you wish to mount. During initialization, the root directory of the filesystem will be seeded if it does not already exist. Thereafter, commands sent to the filesystem actor will target that specific filesystem you mounted, until you issue a command to unmount it (more on that later), after which you’ll once again be able to issue the commands discussed above for enumerating, deleting, and restoring filesystems.

  entry: [
        type: "init",
        filesystemName: "vzfs_test",
        version: 1
  on: {
    vzfsAwaitingCommand: {
      actions: [
          "vzfsAwaitingCommand signal received."


This is how you change what the current working directory or “cwd” of the filesystem actor is. If your application/origin spawns multiple filesystem actors at the same time, each will have its own current working directory. The value of cwd influences the resolution of relative paths you pass to the filesystem later in some of the other commands (i.e., paths that have . or .. in them). Note that the value of newDirectoryPath must be given within the data object in the event, and since cwd must always be a directory (and not a file) the string value passed must end in a terminal /.

The relative path resolution features of this library are for convenience and not fully locked/controlled. In certain circumstances if you are not disciplined, it will be possible for you to have an invalid cwd, which can in turn cause other commands to fail. If this concerns you, just always use absolute paths in your application.

  entry: [
        type: "changeDirectory",
        data: {
          newDirectoryPath: "/testDir/"
  on: {
    changeDirectorySuccess: {
      actions: log(
        "Directory successfully changed."
    changeDirectoryFailure: {
      actions: log(
        "Failed to change directory."


Use this method to create a new file somewhere in your filesystem tree. This is a simplistic example obviously; usually you’d want to populate the content from an event of some sort (e.g., after a user presses a save button). Also note how once again for this command, it’s required to pass the file metadata key/value pairs inside of the data object in your event you send to the filesystem actor. The filesystem entities created by this command, files, have an isLeaf flag set to true to differentiate them from directory entries.

  entry: [
        type: "createFile",
        data: {
          name: "test.txt",
          content: "test content",
          parentPath: "/"
  on: {
    createFileSuccess: {
      actions: log(
        (_, evt) => `File created! New file path: ${
    createFileFailure: {
      actions: log(
        (_, evt) => `Failed to create file: ${


  entry: [
      (_, evt) => ({
        type: "readFile",
        data: {
          path: evt.filePath
  on: {
    readFileSuccess: {
      actions: log(
        `read file successfully: ${
    readFileFailure: {
      actions: log(
        `read file failure: ${


This updates the updatedAt timestamp of a file without touching the content. Timestamps are stored in unix epoch time format for so they can be indexed and searched easier.

  entry: [
      ctx => ({
        type: "updateFileTimestamp",
        data: {
          path: ctx.currentFilePath
  on: {
    updateFileTimestampSuccess: {
      actions: log(
        "file timestamp updated successfully"
    updateFileTimestampFailure: {
      actions: log(
        "failed to update file timestamp"


This command updates the file’s updatedAt timestamp as well as the file content.

  entry: [
      ctx => ({
        type: "updateFileContent",
        data: {
          path: ctx.testFilePath,
          content: "hello warld"
  on: {
    updateFileSuccess: {
      actions: log(
        "File updated successfully."
    updateFileFailure: {
      actions: log(
        "Oops, failed to update the file."


This is for deleting a file.

  entry: [
      ctx => ({
        type: "deleteFile",
        data: {
          path: ctx.testTwoFilePath
  on: {
    deleteFileSuccess: log(
      "Successfully deleted the file."
    deleteFileFailure: log(
      "Couldn't delete the file."


When you create a directory, the name ought to be given without a trailing forward slash. Example: mydir.

When you later reference the path to your newly created directory, it must include the trailing slash to identify it as a directory. Example: /mydir/

Paths are case sensitive in VZFS.

  entry: [
      () => ({
        type: "createDirectory",
        data: {
          name: "testDir",
          parentPath: "/"
  on: {
    createDirectorySuccess: {
      actions: log(
        "directory created successfully! Access it at this path: /testDir/"
    createDirectoryFailure: {
      "failed to create directory. Don't bother looking for it here: /testDir/"


This gives you an object which includes the directory itself and a list of the keys of its children. If you want to know more about the children you’ll need to use another command to retrieve them.

  entry: [
      () => ({
        type: "getDirectoryRecord",
        data: {
          path: "/"
  on: {
    getDirectoryRecordSuccess: {
      actions: log(
        `got directory record: ${
    getDirectoryRecordFailure: {
      actions: log(
        "failed to retrieve directory record. sorry about that"


This command takes a path to a given directory as an argument and deletes all of its ancestors. That means not just its children, but also nested files and folders.

  entry: [
      () => ({
        type: "emptyDirectory",
        data: {
          path: "/testDir/"
  on: {
    emptyDirectorySuccess: {
      actions: log(
        "Hey we deleted a bunch of stuff!"
    emptyDirectoryFailure: {
      "Dang, didn't manage to delete stuff I guess."


This command takes a directory as an argument and deletes it – but only if it is an empty directory.

  entry: [
      () => ({
        type: "deleteDirectoryIfEmpty",
        data: {
          path: "/testDir/"
  on: {
    deleteDirectoryIfEmptySuccess: {
      actions: log(
        "Deleted an empty file, big whoop."
    deleteDirectoryIfEmptyFailure: {
      actions: log(
        "Couldn't even delete an empty folder :("


This method is the counterpart method to the restoreFilesystemFromJSON method discussed earlier. This one will read all records from all tables in the specified filesystem database into a single JSON string.

  entry: [
        type: "ripFilesystemToJSON",
  on: {
    ripFilesystemToJSONSuccess: {
      actions: log(
        `successfully ripped the filesystem to JSON! Here it is: ${
    ripFilesystemToJSONFailure: {
      actions: log(
        "Oof, couldn't rip the filesystem to JSON. Maybe we need to manually extract the files..."